Automation Journal : Web : Part 1

Back in 1958, when the first test team was formed by Gerald M. Weinberg, nobody would have imagined that  software testing would come this far,  emerge this big as a profession. The horizon of software testing has expanded  beyond the poles, courtesy the passionate testers around us. And with passing time, Software testing has also found a new friend, in Automation.
No matter how much we debate on the importance of Test Automation, but it’s a highly undeniable fact that with Test Automation, the QA has acquired more precision and accuracy. In my own terms I consider Test Automation as an aid to Testing.  I believe Test Automation is more of a mechanism which helps Software Testers to bring sharpness in their testing.


In this thread of blog posts, I’ll be sharing my experience with various domain of automation . The programming language I will be using here is my favorite, Python. Read more of this post